Friday, 16 March 2007

SVG animation on Linux

Today, in my ever varied day-job, I needed an SVG viewer for Firefox on Linux.

"You twit," you shout "Firefox has native SVG support!"

Yeah, yeah. But dude I need SVG animation.

Off I go to Batik. No animation support in the Squiggle browser as of batik 1.6. At least I could not get it to run my mickey mouse animation test document.

Next, to Adobe for the SVG viewer plugin.

Duh, they bought Macromedia didn't they?

Somehow I don't think Adobe bought Macromedia in order to convert its installed Flash user base to the motherhood and apple-pie of SVG.

So to avoid a dose of corporate schizophrenia, the rational thing is for Adobe to discontinue support for its SVG plugin.

In any case, my Debian based distro didn't seem to play well with their RH7.1-9 binaries.

Finally, a quick detour via to and I found my trusty old Opera 9.1 is at least able to make a little red square bounce back and forth across the screen.

Anyone have any better ideas about SVG animation on Linux?

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