Friday, 25 April 2008

Plone 3 Setup

One time only

Get python 2.4 something.

$> wget
$> python
$> easy_install ZopeSkel

Do this for each project

paster create -t plone3_buildout

At this point you are asked lots of questions for example about
the path where zope/plone is to be or is already installed
the user name/password for the install, the port number etc.
and some options about debug settings.
This information is used ot build the buildout.cfg file.

After this runs, you have a file, and src and product directories, and a buildout.cfg file and a var file, all of which are empty.



After running bootstrap you have an eggs folder, a develop-eggs folder, a parts folder, and a bin folder. The eggs folder contains some of the PEAK tools:- the setuptools egg and the zc.buildout eggs. The bin folder contains the buildout executable. The parts folder is empty, as is the develop-eggs folder.

You are now ready to run the buildout, but at this point it may be worthwhile reviewing the buildout to see if any changes are merited. Possibly none are. Also note, you can run the build out over and over again and it will not eat your Data.fs file, the holy of holies of zope/plone development.

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