Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Generate self-signed SSL cert

#!/usr/bin/env python
A self-signed certificate generator.
import os


commands = [
"openssl genrsa -des3 -out %s.key 1024" % _name,
"openssl req -new -key %s.key -out %s.csr" % (_name,_name),
"cp %s.key" % (_name,_name),
"openssl rsa -in -out %s.key" % (_name,_name),
"openssl x509 -req -in %s.csr -signkey %s.key -out %s.crt" % (_name,_name,_name)

for c in commands:

#credit to where the information comes from.

#When you run this code, where it asks for Common Name or YourName, enter the name of the host eg - or .

#See for creating one certificate to protect multiple hosts.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Debian Packaging

How I made a .deb file

Create a directory
mkdir foo
Descend into it.
cd foo
Create a directory DEBIAN
mkdir DEBIAN
Descend into it.
Create a text file called 'control'
vim control

The postinst and prerm scripts also go in the DEBIAN directory.
The actual install files go in the foo directory


Finally, go to the directory above foo and do:

dpkg -b ./foo foo.deb and that is it! done!