Saturday 26 December 2015

Vim security

Just read and which both discuss some issues about text editor security.


1. vim-plug is preferred to vundle
2. developers may be seen as high value targets for system compromise.
3. beware git:// protocol

Tuesday 22 December 2015

A Python Christmas present

Nose is my current Python testing framework of choice.

When I'm doing TDD which is more or less all the time*, I'm capturing logs and (shock horror) print statements and I commonly invoke nosetests in a very noisy way with the -sv switches.

A few days ago, I found myself thinking about writing an output colourizer for nose when (gasp) it occurred to me that one might already exists. And, wonder of wonders, I was right.

I would like to introduce you to rednose. It's nearly Christmas, the plugin (appropriately) is called 'rednose' and it represents the gift of visually interesting test results.

Rednose is easy to install, easy to invoke, and it works like a dream. I was especially pleased with it's ability to colourize logs and stack traces.

Kudos to the developer

* If I'm not doing TDD I'm researching an unfamiliar API inside an IPython/Jupyter notebook.